I'm not one to sit down with a pile of data and try to then put a chart in front of you to convince you of something. I prefer to share what I see in the market from my own experience both with buyers and with other realtors. So, here's what I'm seeing in the market...
Market Update
Summer Lull? I know that sales typically slow in the summer and pick back up in the fall, but what I'm seeing right now feels like there's more to the story than that. The market HAS slowed down. On the buy side, I see buyers less engaged, less excited about their next home, less ready to do something right NOW. On the sell side, sellers are still more likely to stay where they are AND I'm reading comments from my Realtor colleagues (from our online forums) that they, too, are experiencing a significant decline in buyer and seller activity.
Interest rates? Election? Prices? Demand? All of these? None of these? I don't have the answer as to why, but things are definitely slow right now.
Buyers - if you're still in the game and wanting better deals, then make the offer YOU want on homes that have been on the market for more than a couple of weeks. You might be surprised!
Open House
Sunday, August 18, 1pm -3pm
13505 North Street, Minnetonka, MN
$550,000 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, attached 2 car garage, 3145 square feet
More info here: https://bit.ly/3AnMAss
Open floor plan, entertainment ready, main floor primary bedroom, 3/4 acre lot.
Come and get it!
About Mitch
Yes, I'm a Realtor in the Twin Cities service the larger metro area and western Wisconsin. I represent buyers and sellers (both very different skillsets, by the way) who want great service and positive outcomes! If you're thinking of buying or selling in the next 12 months, give me a call and let's talk about how it works, the market and what your dream home looks like to you.
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